Thanksgiving 2023

I talked to my classmate & friend 30Garrett who has a history blog (check it out!!), and he gave me some history on thanksgiving. I can rant, so I asked him for some pretty vague history. But, from what I got, here it goes! (Again, please check out his blog!!!). In 1620, as you probably know, pilgrims (or separatists, as you should call them, because they did not agree with the church of England and they wanted to practice their religion freely), made a grueling  journey to what is now Massachusetts. Many fatalities occurred. Turned out they were really bad farmers, so the Wampanoag tribe helped them farm. The following year in 1621, a thanksgiving feast happened in OCTOBER, not November. But lemme tell you a little about that, as well. The separatists were shooting their guns in celebration of their first successful harvest, and the Wampanoag people showed up to where the separatists were thinking it was an attack. Once the Wampanoag people found out it was a celebration, though, the Wampanoag  helped out and contributed to the separatists harvest. The Wampanoag hunted deer and fished eels (yeah, pretty different from pie, I guess). The Wampanoags and the separatists then had a great feast. By the way, I left out a lot of valuable info, so please, if your trying to actually learn something, I beg of you, forget what you read and learn from a different source, Please (probably 30Garrets blog). Also, this is a required blog, so I had to give some info.

And, in the spirit of the season, here’s a list of what I’m thankful for. Up-and-coming Christmas (obviously), health, wellness, pets, food, and I’ll get a lot of people angry if I don’t say this but f-ffff…fffaaa—aamil(cough)ly. Family. Ugh. That was hard to get out.

Well, bye…make sure to check out some of my other blogs (and, again, 30Garretts)!


Picture taken by me

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